Stay Flexible

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Lao-tzu says, “The hard and stiff will be broken,” while “the soft and supple will prevail.” Staying flexible will keep you attuned to the present and to enjoying the sweetness of life. Staying flexible is most certainly a practice that will lead to innumerable shifts. 
Over here staying flexible sometimes means that Cliff is willing to turn the car around, go two exits the wrong direction and find a way to get over to the hillside where I just saw bluebonnets (the state flower of my home state!) so that we can take a photo for my Instagram post. All without being bothered. 

Not The Day

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Are you ready to learn a phrase that is going to transform your life and let you off the hook for all time? 〰
The Sweet Surrender Sugar Detox begins one week from today and I typically begin detoxing a week before so that I'm through most of the withdrawal symptoms and can be there for my people while they are detoxing. 〰
I started yesterday and sent my sister Kayla a message to ask her if she wanted to join me. They were at an Easter gathering with friends and kiddos complete with a piñata filled with candy. 〰
When Kayla got back to me she had the best laugh in her voice as she relayed the sugar filled items she'd been enjoying. She ended by saying something that we often say to each other - "today is not the day for sugar detoxing!" 〰
Some days are the day for ____. and some simply are not. The line, "Today is not the day for _______." is one of our favorite. It's so permission giving, so loving and in my opinion a wonderful way to continue practicing making nothing wrong in your life. 

Right Now

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As a retreat leader and facilitator I definitely respect the space that we make in our life when we plan for change to happen. I get it, we have schedules, jobs, partners, responsibilities and sometimes it's all you can do to carve out time for yourself to make a meaningful change. 〰
But it is also so important to acknowledge and realize the immense power we have RIGHT NOW. 〰
I tell students over and over again that change doesn't have to take time. It's ok to get specific and ask for what you need in this moment and to boldly expect it to show up RIGHT NOW. 〰
Often times it is when we are deepest in crisis and despair that opportunity is showing up for instant change. Use your voice. Ask for what you want. And boldly demand it RIGHT NOW!

Instant Change

If you've been following along the last 8 days you may be noticing a pattern - many Shifts are practices that can be adopted and nurtured to help shape your thoughts, your state-of-being and ultimately your life. But there ARE shifts that you don't have to repeat. One-and-done moments actually DO exist. Meditation helps (ayahuasca too) as well as any of an infinite number of spontaneous catalysts.

It's true that life keeps giving you opportunities to "get it" until you do. Once it happens, that's it, you're done with that particular lesson and you get to move the fuck on. Those are the sweetest moments. 〰
What's important to know is that it's more often than not like walking into a dark, unknown cave. You must summon incredible bravery and have a willingness to take one step after another until you come face-to-face with yourself and the stories you've been telling on repeat. 〰
I tell all my retreaters that some changes are a chipping away process and others happen in a moment. So keep showing up to do the work because those moments of instant change are worth waiting for. 〰
P.s. saw this on a hike recently. It was blocked off but the sign said that Woolly Mammoth bones and all kinds of other gigiantic prehistoric remains were found there! 


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Embracing rituals has created monumental shifts in my connection with myself and my belief in my own innate power to create. They have given me permission and a safe space to release anything that no longer serves me. The practice has also helped me to own my uniqueness (aka be much less afraid to let my freak flag fly proudly. Scroll way down, you'll see us covered in clay - a common full moon ritual over here). 🔥 
It doesn't matter if you begin with morning herbal tea and journaling words of gratitude (like I did) or ignite into monthly full moon rituals - all great shifts begin right where you are. Go with what feels best for you in this moment. 

Hone Your Intuition

The goal of Shift Retreats is to help you remember who you are. 〰
One of the best ways to do that is to listen to your wise inner voice - Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estes refers to this voice as "the one who knows". It's the whisper that tells you to stay home today, to call your best friend to check in, or to turn your phone off for a little while. It's the one who's just about always, and inexplicably, right. 〰
Another practice is to ask that voice more questions more often. Before reading the menu, ask what you really want to eat for lunch. Throughout your day, ask how you're doing. If you're not ok, ask what it is you need. Then move mountains to give it to yourself if you can.

The best way to remember who you are is to ask and to listen. The one who knows is... you.

Ps. Seen hiking! There are heart rocks placed on tree trunks all along the trail.

Animal Voice

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Have you ever loved a creature with your whole being? Felt like they chose you? Like they saved you in some way? Like they were one of your most profound life teachers? 〰

Yeah, me too. 〰

This is Ned and he's been by my side for almost 17 years. I pour love all over this cat! I talk to him like he's a gift (because he is) and I go out of my way for him on the daily. 〰

One day it dawned on me - what if we talked to ourselves and each other the way we talk to this cat? What would life be like? How would that feel? We put it into action and life has never been the same. I wake each morning and say to myself (usually) silently and then to Cliff aloud, "Good morning! You are wonderful and I love you!" Ned is typically laying between us with his head on my pillow so we smooch him and say it to him too. He purrs back. 〰

The whole family gets good morning words of kindness and love. We change it up slightly from day-to-day but the sentiment is always the same - a sincere outpouring of love first thing. 〰

I am not always as adoring with myself and my partner as I am to Ned but like any other shift it's a practice I'm committed to returning to. 〰

If this idea feels good to you too it's a shift you could begin practicing right now! You might want to tell your people what's up so they have a chance to get on board too. 😻👫