Connection. Intimacy. Transformation.

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This time last year I was in Bali leading Shift Retreat! I have been recounting what I learned from that epic trip and I am reminded how connected I am to keeping Shift Retreats small and intimate.
Each retreat circle has 6 - 12 people depending mostly on the energy of the group. While I know change can happen in any size group, there's a magic to this size that is working for me and those who choose to sit within the circle. 🙋🙋🙋‍♂️🙋🙋🙋🙋‍♂️🙋🙋🙋🙋‍♂️🙋
Synchronicity shows up in my life daily (and yours too, you can open yourself up more each day to notice the little Universal nods and winks) so it was no surprise to me (but still a total delight) to open my email this morning and read these words, "...I watched the Tony Robbins documentary... and they got into why change can happen quickly, how we can heal past hurts and suffering. I thought about how your retreats do this in a much more peaceful and spiritual way and how grateful I am for that! ...I prefer a peaceful meditation retreat with a small group of people vs that huge room packed with people!" 💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚
And that was my sign from the Universe that Shift Retreats is still sitting in a sweet spot. Small groups. Connection. Intimacy. Transformation. 
ps. If you've not see that docu it's on Netflix and it's GOOD!