Look To Your Heart

On connection: My little brother, Cody, and his beautiful wife, Leah, were married on the beach in San Pancho, Mexico. They were surrounded by a loving audience of their closest friends and family who joyfully shook maracas and cheered with each person who walked down the palm covered sand. It was SO FUN!

Nature was present so beauty and love were as well.

I was honored to officiate. Here is a small bit of what I shared at the wedding. It's my favorite part and was written by my husband, Cliff. “People embody five basic elements of life: Fire, water, earth, nature and mineral. Individuals are born embodying one of these elements as their essence and carrying the rest at a variety of levels as support elements. No one can be just one element without the presence of the other four.

But your essence element is part of your genius.

Your destiny is to allow your genius to come out wrapped in the colors of your character. A person like Leah, who takes care of others - be it humans plants or animals and accepts them as they are, embodies earth element.

A person like Cody, with great social skills, who is always drawn to connect with others and who holds the stories of others in his bones, embodies mineral element.

Separately earth and mineral are powerful. But mineral must be grounded in earth in order to nourish the living. And earth must be given structure by mineral or it will give of itself too generously, and collapse. This is part of the magic of these two choosing each other."❤️ I hope as you're reading this today you remember your own genius and how completely necessary you are in the balance of things. Squeeze your partner who is such a powerful mirror for you, whisper gratitude to your beloved pet who grounds you like none other, call your best friend and tell them what you adore about their essence.

We are all in this together. Love each other up out there.

I love you.