A year of moments.

I'm wrapping up 2011 to move forward into tomorrow. 2011 was the year of lighten and the word perfectly embodied the desires, sentiments and now accomplishments of this year.  These past few days of 2011 I've still been in lighten mode.  I'm cleaning the nest, packing boxes, making trips to GoodWill and using trusty Craigslist to sell off some things.   We're making way for what's next in 2012.  

2012 is going to be something special.  At 32 I've found my passion and the word is getting out.  My love project, Campaign for Confidence is growing and I'm so excited to see what 2012 will hold for it... growth in exponents, 1,000 women to join the campaign, a spot on the Ellen show  (will you help with this one?) to share the message that healthy eating leads to loving your body and that it's time we stand for confidence and veggies!

I've been looking through photos from the year (sidebar--- I'm totally frustrated with iphoto and really wanting a better way to archive and file my photos without using an online resource, any suggestions???).  As I've been looking through photos I'm thinking about the moments of 2011 and thought I'd write the most memorable down.
Here are some of my favorite 2011 moments and a few of the photos that remind me of them.
Breathe Yoga Studio.  A job well done.  Jennifer and our first table time.  The belief in that project and the power of the collective yoga community.  The amazing people I've met there and how they've changed my life in the most unexpected and best ways.  How it all grew from the foundation.  Gratitude.  Ending of one chapter and the beginning of the next.  Roots and wings.  

 Lacylike Herbal.  Having an idea and making it happen.  All that it's taught me, clarity on what I really want to do.  Angeles and her talent.  Getting to spend time with her and her love.  The sweet notes of thanks they left. The energy we share and how easy it is to work together.  Her art.  Her pure heart.  How much I adored it the first time I saw it and what it means to me now as we create together for my new website and what will be in 2012.  Dreams come true.  

The best sandwich I've ever made.  The best sandwich I've ever had.  Seriously it makes the list and it makes me want to go back to eating cheese, lots and lots of cheese.  Homemade bread sliced and toasted then spread with pesto.  Burrata cheese, fresh basil, heirloom tomatoes, black olives and a splash of balsamic vinegar.  

Hawaii.  The vacation that changed everything.  Climbing Olomana.  My little brother stoked in his element.  Our Sherpa.  The best night of sleep I'd had in a very long time.  Time and space away.  The soul elixir that travel is for me and Cliff.  The connection and re-connection with my love.

Lisa Thiele. The photo shoot that lead to our group health coaching classes.  How aligned we are and the boost I feel after spending time with her.  Magic.  Tuesday coaching and Wednesday meetings.  Time to unwind, de brief, connect, plan, dream, write on huge note pads, divide and conquer,  ask and people say yes.  The power of creation and the love of two women on a mission for good.

Minnesota. The Creative Connection. Lizzy. Bed drops. 

The Florida sunsets.  Gifts of clarity in a trade show.  The desire to help women.  The There You Are story. 

Three months alcohol free! Cleanse. Lighten. Connection. Meditation. Herbal tea. Lots of herbal tea.

Cliff and The Hinge. Cliff and his iPad.  How much he loves them both.  That he's used to and willingly participates in my taking photos anytime, anyplace of anything.  That he's my partner in every sense of the word.  That we work on our marriage.  That we work on ourselves. 

Campaign for Confidence.  My brilliant friends who always believe in me.  Anthony for giving me the tools.  Tim and Michele who have seen me through all kinds of transition.  Maria and Mark at tobeadored photography.  When I showed up at their house with two bags of produce and proclaimed I wanted to take nude head shots with veggies and their responses.  So much good has happened because of their presence in my life.

Boston and the good things that come from there.  Leigh, always Leigh.  People who get me. Strangers becoming friends all because of a girl with an exceptional amount of magic in her fingertips and love in her heart.  Cooking up love and green juice.  Taking campaign photos of Lizzy and Molly.  Plum Island.  Marmalade Christmas Party.  That sweet comfy little bed. 

Ned.  Any moment with Ned even when he puts his head in the lamp shade. The loving constant that he is in my life.  Even now as I type he's all cuddled up and snoring next to me.  Oh those little sighs kill me. 
Each and every time we've gotten in the car for a getaway, a drive and a trip to the beach.  Each wriggle of my toes in the sand.  Each wave that's chased me in to the shore.  Every single beach moment. 
Kallie's laughter making coconut milk whipped cream.  That she and Raquel came back on their way home to drink more green juice and eat more good food and spend more time near us.
Christmas with my family. My beautiful growing family. Cliff's first time to have Christmas in Texas!  My mom's comfy home and the best gift ever, a quilt that my great grandmother made. Elite Access.  CliffTech straps for everyone!  Meeting the little ones.  Brian and Derrick practicing sobriety tests. The family scavenger hunt.  Juicing with the family.  Sheesh finding juicing this year and what it's meant in our house and to our health.  Cliff going off high BP and cholesterol meds. Amazing.

Tomorrow, a new year, a new word new moments waiting to be experienced.  
Happy happy 2012!
Lighten Love,
