She fell down the stairs!

Happy Saturday!

Kayla is upstairs putting on makeup and doing her hair for football Saturday, I'm totally serious! It's cracking me up. She has her UT shirt on and keeps singing "it's football Saturday, it's football Saturday! Eye-eye-eye LoVeeee Football Saturday!"

I've fallen down them before... Cliff has too and now it was Kayla's turn!

The stills from our video were too funny. : )

Window Shopping

Do you get GOOP? It's a newsletter that Gwyneth Paltrow does and it's just marvelous. My Aunt Tammie turned me on to it and the latest one has some really cute ideas that I wanted to pass along to you!

Personalized gifts can be so very cool when done well. These two are just darling.

Ida Pearle has a selection of images that you can personalize with sex, skin tone and name.

Em Tanner
has customizable melamine plates! I love it!

And here are some other fun finds from my perusing.

Something for my Ned or your fur face love
from George
These are little cat nip toys : )

I have this love for really cute tea towels. I think I got it from my mom cause I know she'd oooh and ahh over a good find with me.
: )
Skinny Laminx has some really cute ones!
So does Lush Designs
Aaaand I've always wanted a cashmere travel set. I'm being totally serious. At very least I will have a cashmere blankey one day.
Sofia Cashmere

Anytime we are in the Napa Valley I have to go and walk around Dean & DeLuca in St. Helena. My fave thing ever right now is Parmesan cheese so I am thinking I'd have to have a taste of theirs.
And no on-line window shopping spree is complete without checking out the latest at Anthro! Ned broke my fave yellow Anthro serving bowl trying to jump into a basket on the shelf. It went flying from the top shelf and shattered everywhere. I am still finding little places on the wall where the bowl chipped the paint. Arg! So I've been looking for a new one with no luck. But this one is super cute.
I'm off to address my to do list! Think lots of checks!

Sights and Sounds

Oh well hello December! I didn't see you come in!

We went to a Sound Immersion recently. It's amazing. You lay on the floor in savasana while Anagan plays the gong for half an hour, then the crystal bowls and then a Native American flute. The vibrations fill your body from head to toe. Can you say relaxation!

I have the best partner! Cliff is always up for my next nutty idea. Imagine going to your love and saying 'will you come and lay on the floor with me and meditate while some guy makes sounds?' And when appropriate (like in this case) I end with 'And I promise it sounds like something that you wouldn't want to do but you'll love it and be glad you went!' I've got a feeling I'm loved. : ) We both loved the experience.

I don't know her but she looked so comfy.

The Curly Girl Newletter arrived in my in box today! Delight!

The Eco Bags are so cute and oh how I need to re up my Curly Girl Card stash. I swear she always has something perfect! It's like she took the words right outta my heart.

The newsletter featured a little eye candy that was too cute not to post.

source links in the newsletter : )

This ain't your grandma's gingerbread house!
Sheesh that's hugemongous and I'd love to taste it. You think they'd let me lick the roof?

Have a super sweet day!

Make a Meal of Love

Happy Thanksgiving U.S.A! And happy day to all my international readers!

I will never forget one year I was talking with my friend Ezra from the UK. We were both in Texas at the time and Thanksgiving was upon us. I look over and Ezra and say
"hey whatcha doing for T-giving?"
and he's all "yeap thinkin I'll get some work done"
and I'm looking totally shocked saying
'why don't you celebrate Thanksgiving' he didn't even have to say a word he just looked at me and we both burst out laughing and then I respond
'oh yes we're celebrating being away from you people and your mother land, but you should come over to our place anyway my mom makes a killer chocolate cream pie.'

And that folks is one way we could bring the world together... really great pie!

Hope that you are having a meal of love today and if not then maybe later you'll get to squish your fruit together. ; )