New Year, New Word

Happy New Year!

We've been out living Cliff's word for 2009... FUN! He says that we worked so hard in 08 he can think of no better word for 09 than FUN, we've earned it! I totally agree with him and he happens to be one of my favorite people to have fun with! I think it's cute that he picked a word too even if it is the quintessential guy word...Cyndi should have sang Boys Just Wanna Have Fun cause they all do!

My word for 2008 was Begin. In many ways I feel that my adult life began in 2008. We had more major life changes in a year than most people experience in five.

My word for 2009 is
I really labored over this one. How could I possibly follow my year of begin? Between our wedding, my surgery and all the healing that came after, buying our first home, starting two businesses... I wanted this years word to be a continuation of last year but one with a little action and passion to it, one that could truly be my mantra. That's the thing about picking a word... I take it seriously and it has to define my year, make me smile and keep me pushing forward. Fleurish does that! You notice that I picked a non traditional spelling. I did that for many smile worthy reasons...

1. It is more fun to say FLEUR than flour (and I am trying to stay away from white flour but I always have fresh fleurs in my home)!

2. One of my all time fave boutique stores is called Fleurish and I can't wait to go and take a photo in front of their store window to document my word!

3. why be normal?! Normal is boring. So F L E U R I S H it is!

Do you have a word of the year? What is it? If you've never picked a word for your year I invite you to pick a word for 09 and share it with us! I got the idea here. Last year was my first year to have a word along with my mom and little sis. Mom and I were so excited to see what word Ali would pick this year. There is something so neat about starting fresh...only you and your word! Sometimes that's all we have anyway.