The Power of Words


Affirmations are positive assertions. I say affirmations to myself and out loud everyday. After a lifetime of berating comments made to myself in the mirror my affirmations process helped in transforming my relationship with my body! It's been such a powerful process for me that I recommend it to my coaching clients and now with the beautiful talents of Angeles Moreno at I have two free downloadable posters for you! Lots of loving words right to your heart! Lacy


Kermit is lacylike too.


I saw this billboard on the way to Austin and smiled so huge! It's just so perfect and what lacylike is all about---being completely, 100%, authentically, unapologetically you! The world needs more of us just being who we are and shining from the inside out. Kermit is the perfect spokesman.

Love it.

Love you.

To shining brightly just as you are AND living your dreams! Have a wonderful weekend! Lacy

Happy like a fool!

Remember when I posted about my favorite song lately... that led me to these prints which led me to thinking about what lyrics I really love enough to get printed and hang on my wall which led me to this song and these lyrics:  When you're happy like a fool, let it take you over! which led to me to hiring Crafts and Dogs to make me a custom graphic lyric poster which led to this...

Which lead to a huge smile!

Thanks Elizabeth of Crafts and Dogs!  I love it!

Moved by words.

Lisa and I are gearing up for our next Group Health Coaching session beginning Jan 11.  We'd love for you to join us!  The responses from our first group have been outstanding and totally affirming.  Lives are changing, women are stopping yo-yo dieting after 20,30,40 years.  They're gaining control, finding their voice, losing weight and falling madly, deeply in love with greens!  If you're looking for a change, transformation, space for possibility we invite you to join us! 

You can sign up/ pay with the button on the left in the side bar. :) Or as always email me for inquiries.

I've been working on building my Moved By Words facebook album  and thought I'd share some of my new favorites with you!  And BIG OLE thanks to Texture Junkie for the gold mine of lovely submissions!  THANK YOU, friend!

If you have photos you'd like to submit to the Moved By Words album I'd love to receive them!  I'll credit you in submission.  Fun, huh!
I hope today finds you Moved in a very beautiful way!
Lots of love

Mix Tape

Oh the hours I spent fast forwarding and rewinding tapes, combing through music and curating mixes that would adequately sum up the massive amounts of teenage emotion I had bottled up inside.  Yes, you remember the Mix Tape, don't you!

Lately I'm so moved by music, like---- teenage moved.  Life is in transition.  Projects are swirling overhead and everything feels possible.  I'm in my stride.  I'm inspired.  I'm creating.  I'm writing.  I'm grateful.  Music is the thing that gets it, that's already been there and done that.  These are among the faves on my playlist at the moment.

What are you listening to?