
I've been seeking inspiration. I've been thinking about friendships. I've been revisiting my life goals. I've been asking myself the good questions like what really gets you excited in life? It's a process I find myself investing time in each year just before my birthday. I get super excited for the big day. I donno birthdays are just so meaningful to me, they're a big deal and should be celebrated with polka dot cakes and surrounded by people who are glad you were born. I find myself really quiet today reflecting on my life, it's direction and the people who surround me.

I found inspiration this morning watching the inauguration. Kayla's word this year is heal and watching our new President today made me understand the enormity of that word... heal. So much power. So much potential. Can we heal ourselves? Can we heal a nation? YES WE CAN! Will it be painful? Sure it will. Will it be worth the pain? You betcha! No matter how you cast your vote in this election I hope that you were inspired today too.

I'm off to do a photo shoot of the Hinge (Cliff's cat). I can already hear her sighs of discontent.