Making Faces

I saw this on Apartment Therapy.
There's something neat about finding faces in things!
This is a tree we walked past on a hike!
I stopped dead in my tracks and asked if I could take his photo.
; )

This commercial is everywhere right now and it sort of annoys me but Cliff loves it. I think it's because when credit card commercials come on I usually yell---- L I A R S! Step away from the credit card!! LOL Do you yell at the TV too?

And we've all found a face in the clouds! Found this one via flickr (of course) : )
Hope you have a happy face today!
Mine is much better than yesterday, thank you!

What makes you happy?

Here are a few things that make me happy lately...

Stuff like this.

When my sister writes anything and her latest hit it right on the spot! 2009 did suck and 2010 will be better. It has to be. Not to say that 2009 didn't have its ups but oh did it have its downs too.

Little fur faces
Seriously how cute!

My Mema and this photo of her. Aunt Mary did a wonderful job capturing this moment at the Thanksgiving Parade.

Thinking about getting away to the beach next week with my love.

Visiting Anthropologie to wander around and get lost in all it's pretty pretty prettynes. There's also something wonderful about living where palm trees grow and seeing them right alongside poinsettias.
Isn't it amazing what can be done with paper!
What's making you happy?


Hellooo friends!

Thanks for hanging in with me through the silent no post days. I've been busy building my massage practice, studying my nutrition stuff and practicing yoga. Definitely in good transition and looking forward to 2010!

Here are a few latest from our Acro class. I have so much fun in AcroYoga and I think I've already said it but I love that it's "our yoga!"

This is me and Cliff doing plank on plank!

I forget what this one is called but I felt like Baby and Johnny practicing "the lift!" Wheeeeeeeeeeee!

Ok say maybe we don't look like that yet but you just wait!


My new favorite word of the moment is TINCTURE. Seriously say it... tink-t-shure! Isn't that a great word. I must remember to add it to my fave words list!

I've almost completed my second journal this year! A first for me.

Hope your week is going well!

Oh Cork Christmas Tree!

Drum roll please.....

Here it is, our new lacylike cork Christmas tree! Yay! It makes me so happy! I'm considering wrapping teeny tiny fake gifts and putting them at the base of the tree. tee hee

If you'd like to make your own cork tree here's what I did:

I started with the top and worked my way down.
I found it was easiest to glue two corks together and let them sit to dry for a few minutes.
Once they are sticking together but still not completely dry start to create your levels.
The top of the tree is one cork
the next level is 4
I didn't count out specific numbers once I got past the tippy top, I just made the rings a little bigger than the last so there was something to glue to. You've got to love a project with no rules!
I was so tickled to find a cork with a face on it for the top. I tried lots of different kinds of glue and ended up going with good old fashioned Elmers and Aleene's Fast Stick and Rapid Dry (because I had tiny bottles of Aleene's I just used one up and then moved to the next).

For the star I used floral wire. It took me two tries before I was happy with my star.

I let it sit to dry over night and this morning it's a beauty! Yay we have a Christmas tree now!
Happy Sunday!


Ramblings and happy things.

Today is Saturday. It's raining and gloomy out! I am so excited to be at home and snuggly. Cliff is in the kitchen cooking french pancakes out of Mastering the Art of French Cooking.

After I saw Julie and Julia with girl friends I came home talking about the movie and Cliff's all - oh yeah I have one of the first editions of that cookbook! My response was- I'm so impressed and are you gay? When I went to the shelf to look it was right next to 1000 recipes for hamburger. Nope not gay but I was still totally impressed! My tummy is grumbling smelling it!

I'm a part of a group of women that I mostly don't know. We send each other little bits of happy mail and treats through snail mail. It can be a little note, a photo or some scrapbooking treats... really anything that will brighten a day. I've met these two in real life and the rest I know through blogging introductions!

Jen got her happy mail and blogged about it. : ) It made my day that it made hers. I just love spreading goodness around. I'm so appreciative to be a part of this group of internet friends. Thanks for all lifting me up. Wishing we were able to sit and have tea in person from time to time.

Omg I've just been served a french pancake filled with apricot and orange and topped with cream! Seriously YUM! Oh Julia would be so proud of Cliff right now!

Off to eat and then create something marvelous! Mema sent me an idea for making a cork Christmas tree that I am really excited about! I'll post pictures of the creation when I'm done : )


This week has been a doozie!

This week has been full of ups and downs and real life.

I moved into my new space where I will be practicing massage therapy now and health counseling later when I am finished with school. My little room is coming along. I've got the first layers of decor and comfort in.

The three smallest paper lanterns have lights in them so when I am working I turn off the florescents and light up those along with some candles!

This shelf has been with me since my days in Texas! It was a Target find that originally held my 12 x 12 scrapbooks. I don't like hiding things under my bed at home and I don't like hiding them under my massage table at work so this little shelf keep the space organized and clutter free.

P.S. Yeeeessss I will be putting those cords through the back of the shelf but it requires a little drill action.
And since the space is so small a gigantic mirror was in order! We've had this one in almost every room of our house and now it gets to go to work with me. So far I am loving the space and all my little touches that fill it.

Ok and the real life part...
Cliff's dad is in ICU. His story is not unlike many that you hear... a fall = hip surgery = infection = ICU. We got the call and got in the car. I am happy to report that he's doing great. His blood pressure is back up and his fever is down and hopefully he will get to go home soon.

All of these were taken with my phone. I didn't think it would be right to pull out my camera and start clicking away in ICU but I do feel strongly about documenting life's journey through moments good, bad and in between.

Hospital time is always about waiting... waiting... waiting...

The rooms are always filled with machines beeping and alarms sounding and I couldn't help but be grateful that they were not attached to me. I think that once you've spent time in ICU you never forget the sights and sounds of the place.
Hallways that are one moment empty are then full of doctors with their funny caps and patients being rolled through in beds feeling puny and tired of being brave little pin cushions, family members with puffy eyes and in between there is still beauty in the place.
And then there are moments... that are real... caught by accident... moments that make you feel.

And since I like to leave things on a happy note I am just loving these trees. I have no idea what kind of tree it is (Mema, do you know?) but they are all dropping their leaves and flooding front yards! I keep telling Cliff that I want to ask someone if we can play in their front yard for a bit and get a few photos. His response, "I'm game!"