Truth in the balance.


I am a nurturer. Through and through. I've made nurturing into a career. Some by (what I thought was) happy accident, some by clear intention. It looks and feels different from day-to-day but it's always there in some form. One of my recurring affirmations has been 'I nurture others with plenty of room to nurture myself.' It's about that place of balance. It's about being right where I am and knowing that no matter what the circumstance in this moment I've got plenty of room for myself or for the project or person that I'm holding close. This feels like a conversation to me. It feels worthy of sharing because we are all busy, we are all holding a lot, we are all in the midst of the balancing act that is life. Just say that to yourself... 'there's plenty of room.' Doesn't that feel expansive and good?! It always makes me feel like OH -- that's right PLENTY of room! It's just a gigantic loving reminder of---Ok, I have totally got this. And wherever you are today, you've totally go this too!

To our little reminders + the power they hold, Lacy

p.s. Thank you for your love and your texts and your emails and your FB messages about my last post. Huge love. Huge deep breaths of gratitude. Even just writing the post, sharing it, going back into those moments added another layer of healing.


What's in your food?


If I had a super power I'd rid the world of fake foods + banish self-loathing! We'd all be eating more fruits + veggies and love our beautiful capable bodies. I believe... what we put into our bodies matters. that food has the power to help heal diseases or create them.

I believe... that the food we eat becomes our bodies. that food is an excellent foundation to living a healthy, happy life.

I believe... that you can be thin, fit, healthy + happy without calorie counting, deprivation or dieting. that plants are the way to get there.

What do you believe?

I am offering free coaching sessions for the next two weeks. Let's chat!

<3 and veggies, Lacy


You betcha I'll be seeing this when it comes out. Looks like a good one to help spread the word that GMO is no way to go.

Your letter to the Universe.


I love flying. I do my second best thinking on airplanes. First best would be on beach walks, third best... the shower (of course). It was on a trip home that I was writing in my journal and nearing the end (I love filling up a journal, LOVE) and I decided to look back and see where I'd been. When I flipped through I was struck by a note I'd written to the Universe. As I read it I got goose bumps and that resounding feeling of YES! My friend, Flora calls them truth bumps and I think that sums it up perfectly. So from my journal pages to you, you're letter to the Universe is ready. Add to it, make it your own and get ready for the blessings to arrive! With love, Lacy

more free downloads here.

+ green juice


I am moved by words. Each time I see an amazing sentiment lately I always think yeap "plus green juice." Adding green juice to my life has been a transformational practice. Once I started drinking it my cravings changed, my body changed, my attitude changed. I found that I craved less sugar, I lost lb's and I found myself singing and dancing around the house. Green juice is happy making! I wish you a life that is full & vibrant! Big thanks to the newly engaged beauty, Amanda of Love Creative Blog.  for creating with me!

You can get this and others at the FREE DOWNLOADS section on my site.

Oprah's Lifeclass


As Oprah walked out on stage the crowd erupted as I expected. What I didn't expect was the tremendous wave of energy and emotion that rushed over me. As 2,500 people stood and cheered I started to tear up. There was so much genuine love and excitement. We were all standing as one in celebration, we were all present in. that. moment.  I felt like I was cheering not for Oprah the celebrity but for Oprah the authentic women who has dared to be completely herself. For the woman who's authenticity has inspired us all to be more ourselves each day. Armed with my moleskin and pen I set to work. I'm a copious note taker, always have been. Joel Osteen as guest through two show tapings and seven pages later here are my favorite points. Unless otherwise noted all below are from Oprah and/or Joel Osteen.

  • What follows I AM ____ will come looking for you! If you say I AM FAT you will be FAT. So choose your words wisely because they create your future.  You become what you believe. Oprah talked about for years that she said she was FAT and she kept getting fatter and now she says, I am getting healthier everyday!
  • Set your tone in a positive direction each and every day. Oprah said each morning when she wakes up she says "thank you."
  • THIS ONE IS BIG!  Sometimes doors close because you are NOT dreaming big enough! Did you hear that!?
  • How can you dream big and pray bold?
  • As long as you have breath there is someone out there who needs what you have.
  • Comparing ourselves to others is an act of violence! - Iyanla Vanzant
  • What does your inside desire say? You don't have to know what's next, or understand the desire. All you have to do is LISTEN to it!
  • There is no sin in failing, the sin is in NOT trying. -Paula Dean
  • Never, ever speak a negative word about yourself because (once again) your words are creating your future! The words from your mouth go to your ears and shape your self confidence!
  • People suffer when they pursue a dream that does not belong to them. -Carolyn Myss
  • Instead of looking at how far you have to go, look back and thank God/Universe, whatever you believe in for how far you've come.
  • The privilege of a lifetime is to be who you are. -Joseph Campbell
  • You have to reach your closed doors before you come to your open doors!
  • If you don't talk to yourself, yourself will talk to you! (ie. if you don't fill your mind with positive, the ego will fill it with negative)

The following are my personal notes...

Joel said... what is your hearts dream?

And without thinking I wrote down- To change the health of this nation. When you change your health everything is possible. Everything lightens. You clear internal house and give peace a chance. And being at peace is true power.

As soon as my pen lifted the EGO was like WOAH Lacy that's pretty big, you sure about that? And instead of letting the ego talk, I talked. It's no mistake that I now live in THE FATTEST state in this country. Everything that has happened in my life to this point has happened for me and I see it now so clearly. Every perceived hardship or wrong was a crash course in life. It was all leading me right to what I'd asked for so long ago as a young child. My desires are still the same as they were when I was a inspire and empower.

Food is my vehicle. It's so unlikely because I never really liked to cook and eating good food sort of requires at some point you start cooking (at least a little). I was a microwave kind of girl and now I don't own a microwave (and don't miss having one). I was the ultimate candy loving, junk food junkie. I was a d d i c t e d to highly processed foods for years and now eating processed foods makes me feel sick and G R O S E.

I AM a powerful advocate for whole foods!

I AM the perfect person to share the message of changing your life through healthy eating... because I've been there. Because I make it easy, accessible and fun! Because I understand that it's more than just peas and carrots....It's more than what you eat, it's how and why and when and the inner work too.  It's finding that space of love, forgiveness, of balance and affirmation.  And so I go on a journey with each client...where they promise to be completely open and honest, I promise to do the same and to show up for them and hold them in a safe space.

As I sit here in my office I can't help but feeling like It's no accident that I'm sharing this on my blog--- that is about being authentically and unapologetically ME...lacylike.  If we could all just be ourselves how powerful that would be? Oprah talked about how she tried to be Barbara Walters when she first stared out in television and how she realized that Barbara already had being Barbara down so she might as well figure out who Oprah was and just be that. What we could create together if we stopped trying to be the next so-and-so? Be the next you, the only you!

So to answer the most popular question I've heard in the last few days... HOW WAS OPRAH?  It was amazing, transformational and nothing short of pure inspiration.

Happy to be me, right here, right now. Lacy


p.s. !!! A very special thank you to my Aunt Mary who won the Oprah Lottery and asked me to be her plus 1!!!

and p.p.s. NEW and growing recipe gallery for you to join! Healthy + simple!


A thank you.


image source I recently received a thank you letter from one of my clients that left me filled with love. Hannah is one of many, many reasons why I do this work. I'll let her letter speak for itself.

With a heart swollen with gratitude,



Before I sought help from you I was wandering around in this world, suffering badly, crying constantly, and at times wondering if ending my life would be better than suffering through misery. Although I don’t think I was so serious about this last though to the point that I was suicidal, the fact that I was thinking these thoughts was terrifying. Some fear, anxiety, and self-hatred had taken over me and planted bad seeds all over my mind.

An avid foodie and food blog reader, I stumbled upon your website via one of Lisa’s recipes. After reading through the health coaching link I really connected with the idea of primary food. As compared to the school psychiatrist’s suggestions (confronting my parents about our relationship problems, sorting through our past issues, exploring all of the past pain in my life), you’re approach said to me “Ok, there’s a problem here, but instead of focusing too much on the past, let’s proactively fix it by finding happiness in other areas of life.” Still hesitant, I called you for my first free consultation. I was still in a weight-oriented mindset at the time, and didn’t see any other goals or solutions to my problem. When I told the school psychiatrist that I had disordered eating and wanted to achieve my goal weight, she basically told me to forget about losing weight because I had much bigger problems to deal with. Probably true, but that was not the right way to break the news to me. When I told you about my goal weight, you said “Yes! You can achieve that. It takes time and trust, but trust me, trust yourself, and it’s going to happen.” That’s when I was hooked. I needed to hear somebody acknowledge my goals and tell me I could do it – no matter how unrealistic my goals were at the time, I was not about to seek help from somebody who told me to ignore them and uproot other parts of my life instead.

At the beginning of our first session, you asked me to do a short meditative practice. I have practiced yoga extensively in the past and have found it to be very helpful and mind-quieting at times, but the past two years have put me in go-go-go mode, and meditation and mindfulness had flown out the window. During the meditative practice, my mind was all over the place and ended on “This lady is totally woo woo.” (A term that I’d learned from my friend to describe zen, ujjayi-breathing, female-empowerment-type women.) You asked me how it felt, and I thought “Ok, so I can tell her this is all too zen for me, or I can fake it and say that I felt inner peace.” I decided on something in-between, I was honest “I wasn’t quite feeling it, my mind was all over the place and won’t be quiet.” I’m glad I told the truth – I think it helped give you and me a better picture of where I stood.

Throughout the months, I’ve fallen hard at times, and floated really high at times too. You’ve seen the full roller coaster ride that is my emotions, stress, and my life. Again, there were times I was so ashamed of my binges that I almost lied to hide them from you. But thankfully, I realized that there’s no point. If I couldn’t tell you, then why had I contacted you, and who would help me then? Sometimes I even feared that my downer attitude would rub off on you, and the last thing I wanted to do was make somebody else sad or frustrated. But you stayed really strong even when I felt like I was banging my head on a wall, you saw that there would be an end to this and kept encouraging me.

In the last few weeks I’ve notice a huge change in my mindset. I took the seeds of the lessons you taught me, brought them on vacation with me, and they really blossomed. I feel like a whole other person now. No more self-hatred. Telling myself “I accept myself” is no longer awkward – it’s a tiny self-hug because it’s actually true now. I accept that I’m type-A, that I get anxious, that sometimes my body needs a cookie, that sometimes my body needs a break. I accept that some characteristics and needs are true now, and that they may change. I walk, breathe, eat more peacefully. I trust that I can walk, breathe, eat peacefully with no bad consequences. Even in this hectic city and this hectic line of work, I was meant to live peacefully. You taught and empowered me to take the challenges as they come and to calmly diffuse the bomb and to walk away unscathed. You helped me build defensive walls to keep those self-demons at bay. I’m not quite “woo woo” yet, but I’m partway there. Just “woo” and loving it – Woo! Living with an easy peace is soooo much better than living in the dark with an occasional glimmer of glory.

Thank you, Lacy, for having faith in me and being so incredibly patient and supportive. You’ve been not only a teacher and guide, but also a model for happy living who I look up to. In more ways than one, you’ve saved my life. I know that my boyfriend, my family, and friends are all thankful as well. I no longer receive worried calls to make sure I’m not harming myself or a sobbing mess. I’m a stronger student, daughter, friend, and girlfriend than I was before, and my loved ones are starting to turn to me for support now. I feel so empowered and so happy to support them.

Lastly, I’d like to leave you with my latest journal entry:

“I am human. I fall; I run; I jump. When I fall, I will see what tripped me, get up, dust myself off, and keep walking a bit wiser than I was before. When I run, I run with love and toward happiness, not from fear. When I jump, I push hard, envisioning the top, and when I catch air, I enjoy the glory before making my way back down to modesty.”

There’s no doubt that I will fall again, hopefully not as badly as I did last time. I walk calmly toward these hurdles, trusting that the other side is greener and that I can reach out to you if I need additional support, and most of all, knowing that the Lacy-way works 100%.

Thank you again! I look forward to future lessons with you! – Hannah Li