Journey Home

The journey home was long and eventful (so many airports and flight changes). It gave me plenty of time to reflect on the last two weeks. ✨

I became an explorer of infinity in the jungles of Peru. Everything has changed - the way I move and breathe in my body, the way I see and experience the world, the things I believe have been challenged and subsequently modified. Everything is fluid now, living, pulsing and alive. I can't tell you ALL the ways that I'm different I can only tell you that I AM. 🌺

I'm channeling my learnings into my work first through this month's edition of Shift, The Home Kit. It is full of downloads that I received both large and small while siting in meditation and working with the plant medicine called Ayahuasca. Among the largest take away was the importance of imagination and it's ability to help us to move beyond our limited three dimensional reality into other dimensions of awakening and healing. 🌱
If you'd like to read more the kit comes out tomorrow (Tuesday) late afternoon. You can read more about what The Home Kit is and how to join at