When you ____ do you____?

When you wake up in the morning do you like to talk or be quiet?

Today I said "5 more mintues" but usually I say "good morning my love" and Ned looks at me and Cliff says good morning back. :)


When you are out in the world do you take random pictures?

I do!
I almost always carry my camera with me and when I don't have it my camera phone does the trick too!


When you see people in signs do you give them names?
I've named these two Brewster and Earl.


This idea was born were lots of good ideas are born... the car! I think it could turn into one of those really fun blogger trails... like 5 things or Today, Tomorrow, Yesterday... if you blog it onward link back to me so we can follow the trail (please and thank you)! Feel free to use mine or make up more when you___ do you___'s!

Lotta love!