Women, Food and Jumping!

My friend Jen and I are starting a free bi-monthly discussion group called Women, Food and ...

The idea is to create a community of women to make a difference in each others lives. It's for women 18 to 108 who:

Have ever been on a diet.
Tried to loose or gain weight.
Had an eating disorder.
Struggled with addiction of any kind.
Need to decompress.
Have ever felt stuck in life.
Need support and encouragement.
Interested in holistic health.

All in a nonjudgmental, non discriminating, nondenominational atmosphere.

I'm most excited about our topics AND will be doing a blog version of each session so that you can virtually join the group if you'd like:

September - EAT PRAY LOVE
October - Define your Values/ Write a Mission Statement
November - What's your beef with food? / What are you passionate about?
December - What are your creative outlets? / Holiday Pot Luck
January - New Year's Intentions - What's your word? / Bucket List
February - Journaling 101/ Journaling 102

We got together yesterday to take photos for the flier. We were trying to do something fun like my jumping picture here on my blog and it ended up being completely, exhaustively hilarious.

BTW the jumping photo on my blog was a total after thought (which I think is its genius). I was doing a yoga photo shoot with my friend Nadia and we were walking back to the car and saw the field of flowers and I thought, hey I want to go jump in those and play! The jumping photo was born.

Blooper reels are THE best! I might have to make a flip book!

And one of the boys :)

When all else fails, just sit down and smile.
Now these look like two girls I'd want to chat with! Wouldn't you?

Have a wonderful Monday!