Powerful Medicine

There is very little I wouldn't do for my own healing and yet last night I wondered why I had voluntarily done this to myself. It was intense!
Ceremony started at 8 pm and went to 2:40 am (which is longer than typical). We took turns drinking our ayahuasca and then the lights were turned off and we all sat in the dark for a long time (maybe an hour). I felt NAUSEOUS most of the night which means tonight l will take a bit more of the brew to help open up the experience and hopefully overcome my body sensations. ⚡️⚡️⚡️
When the singing began I felt as if my master plant and the ayahuasca were weaving themselves together and dancing up my body. It wasn't long before I was throwing up into my bucket. Meanwhile Cliff was next to me on a roller coaster ride seeing the light show of his life and my best friend was two people away sitting at the foot of the Divine. ⚡️⚡️⚡️
Meditation has taught me that cultivating a practice means allowing space for each experience to unfold as it well. And to trust the process all while releasing expectation. ⚡️⚡️⚡️
I believe in the power of this medicine and I am open to healing. Last night was a struggle. Tonight I'm asking for ease.