Happy 18th Birthday Kallie

It's a collection of experiences.

Each Experience.
Adds a little to who you are, who you will be and how you see the world.

The World.
Is available to be seen, experienced and felt deep within your soul.

Should be used in abundance, you know that thing they say about an apple a day, I think they meant to say laughter a day...

Mark the beginning of a new chapter in the collection of your life experiences.

May this 18th year add to the collection with wild enthusiasm and abandon! Enjoy your moment in the sun today sweet baby sister! I'm so excited to see you move into your adult years, school at Le Cordon Bleu and living in the cutest apartment ever! The details will always make up the beauty of life and you've got some pretty awesome details surrounding you. This year be the kind of friend that you wish you had. Make pretty pastries. Speak radical truth. Be kind. Love well and please laugh every day! This is your year to shine!

With Big love and fierce pride,

Happy Birthday baby sister! Wish I could hug you and laugh with you today! I am so glad YOU were born!

Love you "this much and more"


I think this is probably the best birthday of your life, it all starts today! Wonderful life choices are yours to make. Experience everything the world has to offer!

Love Always,