Friday Friday Friday FINALLY!

OMG this week has been a busy one!

I just took my 1st test for (Integrative Nutrition) school and I totally rocked it! 90% baby! I was so nervous about it and was totally procrastinating. The last time I took a test was college and I've never been a fan of test taking! Creatives don't like being measured with scores but Burns girls thrive on winning so it's a give and take, am I right sister!?

Now I am totally giddy and jumping up and down singing 90! 90! I got a 90!

Someone is trying to get my attention!

and it's working. He's happy now in my lap while I try and finish this post! Good lord imagine a real kid.

Oh and still listening to the new John Mayer CD, I've pretty much got all the songs memorized at this point!

Also loving the 500 Days of Summer soundtrack! I've been singing this one to the point of annoying even myself. LOL It's one of those that you can't resist the beat and I don't quite know all the words so I do a lot of mumbling and smiling and laughing and then come in extra loud when there is a word I know.

Hope that you have a marvelous weekend!

Happiness is having something to look forward to!

Right now...I'm harassing Ned and Cliff is building a fire.
He's such a good sport and I can't even believe my little Ned kitty will be 10 this year! But seriously how cute without ears!

2010 excitement!

This month I'm looking forward to:

*a blog makeover!
I'm changing up the look of things with the help of Miss Freckled Nest to include more facets of me and what I do. I'm so excited about it! Ohhhh go see my pretty ad there too! Cute, hey!? (that was me being Canadian like Leigh-Ann) ; )

*My very first trip to Lake Tahoe! I've lived in California for 5 years now and I've never been to Tahoe to ski! Actually I've only ever been snow skiing once and I'm not sure it really counts. I was in middle school and my dad took us outside of Vegas (that was before Vegas was that cool for kids and all it had going for it was Circus Circus. I can remember having to stand behind a certain line in the casinos while dad fed money into the nickel slots. Oh those were the days)! We were wearing jeans and windbreakers trying to ski! It was hilarious. We froze and really only rode down the bunny slope practicing our wedge all the way down. Kayla I am putting in an official request for you to recount that one on your blog! It's a story worth telling for sure!

*Visits from Aunt Mary and Cody!

*My 31st birthday!
Last year we did a big ole bash and I am thinking this year will be totally chill, low key, me and the Cliffster and our fur face kids. Perhaps a dinner our at our fave Italian place... not sure yet but I just love birthdays (especially mine)! tee hee

This is my cake from 2008

And 2009

*Going to take Seane Corn's class at the Yoga Journal Conference in SF! Love her! Check out her website her arm balances on the home page are insane!
There is so much to look forward to in 2010 and it's only January! Wheeeeeee here we go!

What's happening Wednesday!

I woke up this morning with a million things swimming in my mind so... I made a gigantic to do list! It's gonna be a big day but 4th down on the list (that's right I've already marked off three things) was to get in here and blog! Mema said that Aunt Mary checked 3x yesterday just waiting for my blog post! Love that! So this one's for you Aunt Mary! Hope it comes at a good time in your day!

This is going to be one of those little of this, little of that posts!

THIS guy has got the right idea. Seriously... how can I get me some of that? Ok that sounded wrong, I meant the idea not the guy. LOL Oh look I am funny already this morning! LOL

Health Histories are coming in! THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH and keep em coming!

OMG the first time I did my health history and then sat to have it gone over I was a mess. I felt completely naked and afraid of being judged. I mean c'mon can I really tell this women that I used to love to eat Oscar Meyer Ham and Cheese loaf (you know the kind with the flecks of cheese in it-- oh yes I used to suck the cheese out) or the Pillsbury Dough Boy has a very special place in my heart? I used to love me some cinnamon rolls and orange danish rolls! Oh and let's not forget my long time love affair with pints upon pints of Blue Bell and Ben and Jerry. So worry not when filling yours out because you'll only get love here.


Our neighbors came over and the girls just loved the cats. The Hinge in particular because they could catch her and pick her up. The oldest kept picking her up right under front legs and head and letting her whole body dangle to the ground (the cat was as tall as she is). Hingie was a good sport, she just kept grunting but was very gentle with them. It was hilarious (and I want one).

Sunday we took a drive to the cabin to drop off some furniture and take back the trailer from when we did all that wood chopping. The cabin is the place where all our old stuff that we love goes to find new life. It was such a beautiful day for driving.

It was so beautiful once we arrived. Fall is apparent and all the shades of gold and red and yellow and green were so vivid.


Right now... Ned has taken to sleeping in my lap when I am on the computer. He is laying on my left arm (I am left handed) so I am trying to type hen pecking with my right hand. LOL I'm a giver.
Have a wonderful day!

We just met

our neighbors new little puppy! Meet Nikki! OMG she is so cute and loves to be cuddled and smells like a puppy which is the absolute best. Ned and The Hinge are not amused! Animals make us so happy (especially the baby ones)! We are packing today to head to the EMS Expo tomorrow so little Nikki was a welcome distraction from washing clothes and packing.

Hope you get to cuddle something today!

Autumn weekend.

Been listening to Elsie's Autumn playlist for the last few days. It's a refreshing change to the old tired tunes on my ipod. I LOVE mixes made by other people. I do. I love soundtracks too. I invite ya to get it playing while you are reading. : )

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We are dog sitting for our neighbor for a week.
Meet Shadow.
I think that I really captured her. She's a big sweet ole gal. She stays at her place and we feed and walk her and then bring her over to torment the cats and let her eat some cat food snacks. LOL We are good Shadow sitters.

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I am trying to figure out a new plan for printing photos. I have so many great ones that have yet to make it to print. I have ideas swimming around in my head but I will let you know what I come up with. I am thinking about keeping a file of favorites to print by month and then printing them in bulk at the end of the month or quarter... what do you do to keep yourself printing? ? ? ?

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I had lunch on Thursday with an new effervescent friend. It was all quality time and good for my spirit. She shared one of her favorite quotes of late with me and I just love it.

"Remember, you are braver than you believe, you are stronger than you seem, and you are smarter than you think." -- AA Mile

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Me, Cliff and Emily went to Tracy's Engagement Party last night and gave her the love gift! I made her a cork heart that she can use as a tray or hang on the wall as an art piece or cork board! I used the wine stained side of the corks for the heart and then the clean side to fill in. I am loving all of my fun cork projects! Cliff wrote the most beautiful things in the card for her about when we got engaged and how he felt. It felt like a gift for me too.

Cute huh! xo - Lacy