Shift Into Perspective

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Hi, I am Lacy. πŸ‘‹πŸΌ I created and lead Shift Retreats. They're basically a collection of greatest hits transformation tools that have worked in my life and the lives of those closest to me. 
I started this work as a result of being on my own healing journey which you can read more about via #thestoryofmyhealing if you'd like. 
What I really want you to know is this experience is a game changer, Shift works! If your heart has been asking for something more, the retreat experience will bring you home to yourself and create ripples of alignment in your life. You'll leave with a meditation practice and new perspective on your life. Prepare to feel deeply seen and heard. 

Thank you for being here and supporting small businesses everywhere πŸ™πŸΌβ€οΈ 

Live In The Center Of Your Heart

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I've been reflecting on pure intention lately. As Kayla and I ready ourselves to lead Hearts On Fire retreat in a little under two months my focus has been squarely on my own heartπŸ’š. I never planned this career, this life path. Well, not exactly anyway. My deep longing to be useful became a repeated prayer. I asked passionately (and exhaustively) for satisfaction, to feel like I was making a heart-centered contribution. 
And then my airway started filling with unexplained scar tissue. My prayers grew longer to include a request to teach me to heal my own body.

Leading retreats was a clear directive from Spirit and a side effect of the journey to recognize that I am whole health.

All the work I was doing to heal was creating change in me. Transformation so profound that I knew if I could do it so could others. 
That's my why. It lives in the center of my heart. 
If you feel ready, and your heart knows this is next, consider joining us on the journey of Shift Retreat.

Let Your Intuition Shine

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A little something to say to yourself today and everyday, "Good morning! You are wonderful and I love you! Only good is unfolding in your life and you always have everything you need." β€οΈβ˜€οΈπŸ™πŸΌ 

This is our Shine retreat group. For some it's their 3rd retreat with me! Watching them expertly sister each other this week while leading alongside my own sister has felt so right.

There's something undeniably powerful about a shared language. At Shift you learn the language while shifting long-held limiting beliefs and at Shine you hone your intuition while learning the self-care to polish yourself to a high shine! 

Soul Sisters

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There's a fairly significant gap between knowing something and making it real in your life. This week I witnessed powerful women learn how to close that gap by harnessing and moving energy from within. 
They are heading home with a new meditation practice and an intimate understanding of how to take what deeply resonates and put it to work in their lives and how to let go of the rest. 
This was my 7th SHIFT retreat, and I was humbled yet again to watch this process unfold in a circle of willing souls. We are powerful beyond measure, and when we finally allow ourselves to touch that power, magic ensues. Real, lasting magic. 

Follow The Calling

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I'm back in Costa Rica! My third year in a row leading Shift retreat here. I keep thinking I'm done with Costa Rica, that I want to explore other international locations for Shift Retreats and yet she's not quite done with me. 
The energy here is unmistakable. Every time I return I remember why I'm here. It's baptism by humidity. It's opulent simplicity. It's pura vida. 
For the next two weeks 18 people will join me to Shift and then to Shine! 

Connection. Intimacy. Transformation.

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This time last year I was in Bali leading Shift Retreat! I have been recounting what I learned from that epic trip and I am reminded how connected I am to keeping Shift Retreats small and intimate.
Each retreat circle has 6 - 12 people depending mostly on the energy of the group. While I know change can happen in any size group, there's a magic to this size that is working for me and those who choose to sit within the circle. πŸ™‹πŸ™‹πŸ™‹β€β™‚οΈπŸ™‹πŸ™‹πŸ™‹πŸ™‹β€β™‚οΈπŸ™‹πŸ™‹πŸ™‹πŸ™‹β€β™‚οΈπŸ™‹
Synchronicity shows up in my life daily (and yours too, you can open yourself up more each day to notice the little Universal nods and winks) so it was no surprise to me (but still a total delight) to open my email this morning and read these words, "...I watched the Tony Robbins documentary... and they got into why change can happen quickly, how we can heal past hurts and suffering. I thought about how your retreats do this in a much more peaceful and spiritual way and how grateful I am for that! ...I prefer a peaceful meditation retreat with a small group of people vs that huge room packed with people!" πŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’š
And that was my sign from the Universe that Shift Retreats is still sitting in a sweet spot. Small groups. Connection. Intimacy. Transformation. 
ps. If you've not see that docu it's on Netflix and it's GOOD!

Clear Head Space

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This is a good tool that you may want to use right now. My sister has ants in her entry way and Mema (who always knows the best ways to clean anything) suggested she draw a thick chalk line around the perimeter of the room because the ants won't cross the line. 🐜🐜🐜🐜🐜🐜🐜🐜🐜🐜 It got me thinking... what if we draw a metaphorical chalk line around the people or things that are bugging us? The key is to create some space between you and the perceived problem. Space can give way to love and compassion. And love changes everything. γ€°γ€°γ€°γ€°γ€°γ€°γ€°γ€°
Grab your journal start writing names, events, worries, etc and then draw a circle around each one. Breathe. Send the contents of each circle love and then shift your focus to what you'd like to feel today. Invite the feeling(s) in, write them down on a fresh page. Fill the page. No circles, no barriers. Give it try. Let me know how it helps you!