The next chapter.


The past 6 months can be summed up perfectly in one word, TRANSITION. We moved out of our house  in San Jose and in with our neighbor, Buc. I moved to Hawaii for 2.5 months and lived with my little brother and his roommate Phil. We moved to Texas and are living with my mom and her partner, Tom and soon we'll move into our sweet rent house. It's scooter distance from my mom's house (who am I kidding here it's biking, walking, hop, skip and a jumpin'distance). Kayla says this is the year all mom's dreams come true--- we live down the street, Kayla is going to give birth to her first child any day, Cody graduates from college this year and we will all be taking a family vacation to Hawaii for the event! It's a goodness packed year!

3 Bedrooms means I get to go back to having a home office + a guest room + master.

2 Baths means we each get our own bathroom again! YAY!

2 car garage means that Cliff will finally have a space to work on the things he loves playing with airplane + car parts and creating cool stuff.

A backyard with two great trees means that I will get to have a hammock and we will get to create a proper garden!

I'm so excited to document the journey here and share how we make this rent house our home! To unpacking very, very soon! Lacy

Photo credit of us: Mary Green

Sweet Memories


I just put the finishing touches on a Mixbook of our reunion trip post Hawaii to the Menocino coast! It's my first Mixbook so I'm excited to see the quality. I really liked their easy loading and that you can place a photo to cover past the fold. This trip was probably THE BEST adventure Cliff and I have ever been on together (so far). My heart still swells up when I think about that beautiful place and time. So much to talk about, so much quality time, the fire place, the sea glass beach, the food and wine, togetherness, peace, joy... all of it.

Sharing a few of my favorite pages...

Weekend Recap.


At the moment we're looking for a place to live in The Heights and we've officially been schooled on how quickly places get scooped up in the area.

Saturday morning I got up, looked at the new listings and selected a few for us to check out. By NOON the one we wanted was taken. It was just listed that morning!  HELLO, that was a surprise! We're trusting that the exact right house will reveal itself, give us time to get there, see it and put in our application in perfecting timing. Think happy little bungalow thoughts for us, please and thank you.

In the mean time we have visited storage, said hello to our stuff and riffled through a few boxes to get out Cliff's stethoscope and some other odds and ends that we wanted.

Sunday we spent the day on Lake Conroe boating, jet skiing and floating. It was SO hot out, getting in the water was the absolute best option! We laid down for bed last night and still felt like we were floating (i love that feeling).

Today is Cliff's first day at work! I'm so excited for him! We've both been counting down for this day! And it's the usual Monday for me (I actually LOVE Monday)... full day of health coaching calls and daydreams about what's next. I'm in photo shoot mode at the moment and it's so much fun to have my photographer Aunt Mary nearby to actually make them come to life! Look for some fun ones coming soon!

Hope you're having a wonderful Monday! Lacy


The Hinge... life with an aging cat.


It was just a week or so after Cliff's dad passed away that he asked me the question... "how much longer do you think we'll have a Hinge?" At first I was taken back, then heart broken at the thought and then I was brought back to the present by Cliff's sweet face as he pet her on the couch. "For as long as she wants to stay," I replied. She's 17 now and a sweet little old lady. Once a true bad ass that would hunt ground hogs and stand up to dogs that seemed giant compared to her, she's now hard of hearing, can't see what's right in front of her and howls for no apparent reason.  When I say howl--- I mean blood curling, startling, terrifying screaming at the top of her lungs. For a cat who is named The Hinge because she didn't really have a meow when she was a baby this howl is mighty and nearly defies definition.  I've taken video on my phone and taken her to the vet time and time again and they assure me, she's just old and a little senile.  And so this is our life at the moment and it feels a little like Benjamin Button rocking this sweet old gal that is just like a baby again. Cliff is away this week at training for his new job (yay!) and it's just me and the [fur face] kiddos. Earlier this week I reached a turning point... I'd stayed up late til about 1 watching a movie on my laptop.  At 5 am The Hinge started screaming and the usual remedies of wet food, a refill on her water bowl and invitation to come to bed didn't seem to be helping or at least not long enough for me and Ned to get back to sleep.  She REALLY misses Cliff when he's gone and though I help nothing quite does it like her daddy. She watches the door, inspects his side of the bed and sometimes she gives me the evil eye for putting him somewhere she can't find him.

She and Cliff have had 17 years together so far and that time has forged a bond that can only be understood by those who have loved an animal this completely. I mean, to spend 17 years with anyone is pretty huge. So by 7 am it felt like a million years had passed and I'd been hit by a truck (umm I really LIKE my sleep, I'm an 8 hour + girl) and nothing was working. I got up scooped her up off the floor and held her again.

This time I whispered and cooed at her and rocked her sweetly from side-to-side. I told her it was ok. I told her thank you for loving Cliff, for finding him that night. For running under the wheel of the ambulance and for that sweet little squeak that she let out after he'd washed all the mud away in the trauma basin. She sounded like a squeaky door hinge and so she was from then on... The Hinge. She's heard this story a million times and I swear hearing it soothes her.  It soothes me too.  I thanked her for riding so patiently on the dashboard of the ambulance that night, lights and sirens and all.  I thanked her for saving Cliff so, so many times. For teaching him to love. For letting me be her mommy. I thanked her for that mouse she laid next to my shoes the first time Cliff and I spent the night together. It was a gesture and I totally got it. I thanked her for each and every thing that came to mind standing there rocking her in my arms. I kissed her disheveled fur time and time again and told her it was ok, she was safe, she could scream if she needed to, that I was here and I was not going to leave.

This is the part in the story where it would be so awesome if she finally curled up and went to bed but she didn't.  The next several hours were touch and go and I rotated through all the scenarios that a parent with a crying baby would go through... food? no. litter box? no. walk around a bit? no. bounce? no. soft talking? no. loud talking? no. singing? no. really don't you want this food? no. nothing worked--- just time and her getting so pooped out that finally, finally she slept. Cliff called later that morning to say hi and I answered with a whisper and "the baby Hinge is finally asleep" I didn't have to say anything else he knew exactly how the morning had gone.

What changed was that I get it now. That it's all ok. I'm no longer frustrated AT her, I'm here for her. I'm grateful that I have created a life where I can sleep in if I need to and make it work. I will be here for her for a long as she decides to stay with us and it's my pleasure to love her and do what I can to keep her in that feeling good safe place while she is still our baby Hinge.

Aaaand I am very much looking forward to Cliff coming home today!  This half of Team Young could use a nap.

To loving well and to the patience that this little Hinge is teaching me. I thanked her for that too.

Have a wonderful weekend! Lacy

life's a zoo!


Yesterday we visited the Houston ZOO!  Feeding the Giraffes was THE highlight of the day!

Remember when we were kids in school and they'd ask which animal you wanted to be... I was always a giraffe which made perfect sense to me since I was taller than everyone in the class. I have loved giraffes for as long as I can remember.

There were so many amazing looking birdies but they always get a little less press than the larger 'cooler' animals (case in point... I don't remember what this blue beauty was called).  Best bird moment of the day was watching a vulture roll her egg over sticks until she got in in just the right place and then placed it between her claws and sat down.  All while dad was on watch.

We saw some wildlife we weren't expecting... ; ) And so many gorgeous jellies.  They're graceful little bad asses of the sea. The California sea lions were cleaner and less smelly than the Cali sea lions we're used to seeing at the beach. Signs of the good life with on demand fresh flowing water. We dressed for the heat and happy to say were completely successful in our safari gear. Awesome day! Still excited about feeding the giraffes! It's so fun to get out and explore our new city!





Status Update


Cliff and I went to Galveston.It's the beach of my childhood and I wish people would stop saying how ugly it is. The sea is soothing even when the water is brown.  Cliff had the best tuna of his life atan oceanfront restaurant! That's a pretty hefty endorsement.

This state really does love MEAT. I got laughed at for asking for a taco without meat. I had to explain 3x what I wanted in it. It was an amazing taco. Corn tortilla, avocado, pico, beans, grilled onions and peppers.

Transition isn't really that complicated you just have to get used to not knowing... which is what life is about anyway. Seems I'm finally getting a hold on my control issues.  Always learning, always.  Tears help in the process too.

Growing pains. Big sighs. Culture S H O C K. Reminding myself that it's ok to miss California, my friends, the food, the hiking, the road trips, the coast...and I do... all the time.  Skype helps. Email helps. And family field trips to Whole Foods.

Cody calls from Hawaii and I can almost feel the breeze, smell the air and feel the sand underfoot. Memories of those experiences carry me still.

Being a one car family is working. Green juice, everyday. Good things that never change.

Health coaching is my thing, brings me joy, makes me feel like I've won the lottery every time I hang up the phone. I want to reach more people and keep the positive, empowering change going.

Cliff is my person. Being together... being us plus two fur face cats is perfect.

All of our plants survived the move. Today signs of life from the olive tree we thought we'd lost. A little victory. It's in my very favorite pot too so I think it had that going for it. ; )

I find myself decorating our next home and placing furniture, picking colors and planning for spaces I haven't even seen yet.  Pinterest helps to soothe the craving.

Love from Texas! Hope your status is getting better by the minute!  Happy weekend to you! Lacy

photo credit: Mary Green <3

Weekend Update


We, well mostly I spent this weekend with Kayla and Brian in Austin. Cliff and I set out Friday afternoon and while in the car got the call that his dad passed away in his sleep. We talked about turning around and decided to keep moving forward (sort of life, poetic don't you think!). We arrived in time to go to Kayla's 4D ultrasound of baby girl Floyd. As we sat in the dimly lit room listening to the whooshing little heart beat I couldn't help but feel the full circle moment of life and death. As one leaves, another is growing in her mamma's belly.  It was incredible to see her swimming around in there and to see Kayla and Brian completely in love as they prepare to meet their daughter in 10 weeks or so. Cliff flew out to California to be with his mom on Saturday morning so we had Friday night to introduce him to some amazing Austin food at the East Side Cafe (ummm later that night I dreamt about eating the same meal again, best dream ever)!  We met friends for drinks at the Yellow Jacket Social Club where a baby bird fell out of a tree and Cliff ushered him to safety (he didn't have his flight wings yet, poor fella).  That's also the place where my shirt matched the bathroom doors. ; )  We visited Kallie (my youngest sister) at work at Cake Ball, met Kallie and her gf Emily for Sunday brunch at Mothers and I discovered my new favorite salad with Tamari Cashew dressing! SO FREAGGIN GOOD!  We picked fabric for the nursery (LOVE that dandelion print so much).  We met at sweet old gal called Prada (the dog bottom center) and her little sister Bella and felt the benefits of their mamma's chiropractic gifts (thank you, Abby!)!  And that's just about half of what we accomplished this weekend!  It was jam packed and completely lovely.

Cliff is doing really good. He's working through the stages of grief and feelings associated with losing a parent. He and his mom are reminiscing and remembering his dad and I know that's bringing a lot of laughter and peace.

Talk to you tomorrow for a little piece I'm working on about taste buds and why things that are so bad for you taste so damn good!

Hope you had a wonderful weekend!

Lots of love,


More weekend photos are in the instagram feed on the sidebar :)



Go To Mendo!

A week ago I arrived back in San Jose.  The next day we drove to the Mendocino coast for some much anticipated reunion time!  I've always wanted to visit Mendocino and there could not have a been a better place for re-entry post Hawaii!  It was so comforting to be right back on the coast looking out over the beautiful Pacific!

There's an amazing vegan cafe in Fort Bragg!  You should have seen my face when I saw that I was going to get in my daily green juice!  I said a thank you right then and there... I always have everything I need!

After collecting sea glass in Hawaii it was C R A Z Y to visit Sea Glass beach and see it EVERYWHERE!  The whole notion of a sea glass beach was so romantic to me until we discovered that it is in existence b/c for the better part of 60 years people were dumping their trash down a shoot directly into the ocean.  It is really a sight to see all that glass sparking on the beach!  From trash came beauty.

The Mendo coast has some amazing wine tasting! I learned more at this tasting room then all the wine tastings I've ever done!  It was completely fascinating!

Cliff and I agree that we've never been on a trip as magical and completely satisfying as this one.  It was totally worth the wait.

Our pocket full from the beach &lt;3  We were told that red and blue are the most sought after glass colors and that some collectors pay $100 per red!  I was so excited to find a yellow, Cody brought back a yellow from his spring break trip to the Big Island but I never found on on Oahu!

Sunset view from our patio at the Albion River Inn.

Dinner at the Little River Inn

This was the view from our room! I loved this place so much.  No TV, just a fireplace, tub for two and a king sized bed that felt so decadent after 2.5 months on an air mattress!

We are rolling out for Texas today!  I'm looking forward to sharing stories from the road with you!

Lots of love!



Skype yesterday.

Cliff and Kallie were hanging out and go to computer to look up constellations and see that I'm online so they ping in and the most wonderful conversation ensues.

As we're saying good bye they remind me how much they love me.... H_U_G_E.

<--------This much and more -------->
<3 Best impromptu phone call ever.
Love you two white t shirt twins oh so much!

iPhone Lately

I love iPhone photos. Each time I load them to my laptop it feels like a little single serving snipet of what I've been up to lately.

 Someone let that cat out of the bag! : P
 An upgrade from cattle class was a DELIGHTFUL holiday surprise!  Yes, I was the only person photographing the mat as we were boarding the plane. 
Waiting, waiting, waiting.  So happy to travel with my love after all my recent solo travels.
A party for your taste buds! 
Beer bottle holder.  Hilarious Christmas gift. 
Our nieces and nephew got a dress up box for Christmas.  Cliff modeled the bunny ears...
Austin loved the box it all came in.  Naturally.

Brian has unwrapping helpers. 
A purse for all her lip balms :) 
Cliff's first family scavenger hunt.  Competition Memory!
One of dad's cars :) 
My beautiful sis and niece.
Happy in Humble.
Details in my mom's home that make me smile.
Cliff and I had a huge and romantic conversation on where this sand must be from... the answer LOWES! HA! 
My cousin is a dad.  Surreal.  Awesome.  Cutest kid ever.  Him and his son.
Morning round the table.  Love these times. 
Gigantic Kale!  LOVE!
Game night with our buddies.  Super fun.
And that's all she wrote for now.  Dinner tonight with a friend I've not seen in 7 years.  
Proof we're all grown up, time is passing quickly.
Hope you're having a wonderful countdown to 2012!