Status Update


prepping for the start of Juice, Blend, Repeat on Monday (join us!) waiting for the motivation to strike to clean the piles off my desk

doors open enjoying the crisp air + sunshine

wearing my favorite, VERY worn Joe's jeans and my soul mate necklace (best Christmas gift ever, thanks mama) almost everyday

making piles in the garage in prep for an epic garage sale in spring (never can be too organized)

reading Power vs. Force and Woman Code and Spontaneous Healing (officially a HUGE fan of Dr. Weill)

enjoying my little brother, appreciating that he's a talker

watching Love + Other Drugs on repeat while I work

loving conversations with my sister on everything

spending way more time in the kitchen lately

wearing fuzzy socks and drinking water from a used to be pickle jar

appreciating my new iPhone + it's awesome camera

2014 ::: The Year of Ease


Some years I labor over my word creating lists, opening dictionaries and the thesaurus trying to find the exact right one but this year my word came effortlessly. It was a feeling that lead to a conversation (that lead to a series of conversations) with my sister where 'ease' first peeked it's head around the corner and gave me a wink. I liked what I felt looking back at that word. I liked it A LOT. In October I found a sweet little jar and wrote 'think ease' on the front sort of as a trial run. Each day I would gaze at it as I brushed my teeth having a conversation with Ease in my mind. Will you be my word? Do we need each other next year? And the answer was always a soft 'Yes, of course, I'm here for you Lacy. Let's go explore 2014 together.'

So here we are. It's the first day of 2014 and ease is right here by my side. Literally. I cleared the chalk board, gave it a good scrubbing and it now reads Allow Ease 2014. I don't have a lot of fancy plans, just the intention to take the road where I see Ease leading the way.

This word and this year feel markedly different then the years with words that have come before. I find myself in a really peaceful place this morning sitting in a willingness to be present and see what comes up.

Do you choose a word each year? What word is your 2014 travel buddy? With love + effortless ease, Lacy

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The Root :: I first started choosing a word because of Ali.  I have so much gratitude and love for this practice. It’s been a profound part of my life since 2008.

Here's a look at my past words :: 2008 : 2009 : 2010 : 2011 : 2012 : 2013

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What's Ahead :: Detox eCourses



I am SO excited to bring you a brand new eCourse combining some of my favorite foods on the planet! Greens changed me forever (and helped me lose nearly 50 lbs)! Green JUICE leaves me singing + dancing through the house. And green smoothies... well I'd like to kiss whoever first blended greens with frozen fruit right on the mouth!

2014 Juice,Smoothie + Whole Foods Detox Dates:

  • January 20 - 24
  • March 10 - 14
  • May 5 - 9
Registration for Jan is OPEN!

Register here. Read more about Juice, Blend, Repeat here.


You know it, you love it! I'm so proud of this detox! Hundreds of you have kicked sugar to the curb + loved the results! Cravings obliterated, unwanted pounds gone, more confidence, better sleep, more patience with co-workers, kids and partners... I could go on and on. This one is a game changer!

2014 Sugar Detox Dates:

  • February 1 - 10
  • April 1 - 10
  • June 1 - 10
Registration for Feb is OPEN!

Register here. Read more about Sweet Surrender here.


Probably the easiest of the three courses, this is a 5 day Whole Foods Feast! Go fully vegan for a week or try one meatless meal per day. It's all up to you! The pledge is intentionally sweet + simple. Veg Pledge is focused on what I know to be true... eating more fruits + veggies will change your body and your life for the better!

2014 Veg Pledge Dates:

  • February 24 - 28
  • March 24 - 28
  • May 19 - 23
Registration for Feb is OPEN!

Register here. Read more about Veg Pledge here.

::Barefoot November::

Journal Entry, November 30th I just finished my 30th mile this month! As I rounded the track for my last lap I felt tremendous pride. I smiled all the way in. Walking home all red faced and happy it hit me.

T H I R T Y D A Y S. I did it. Tears... of incredible gratitude.

I showed up for myself each and every day for the last 30 days. I loved myself enough to do this. This will be one of the accomplishments that I am most proud of this year. I ran through it all. Good days and really bad ones. Feeling amazing, feeling hungover. Rain, sunshine. In the cold with as many layers on as possible and in the heat with as few layers as possible. On the track, on the road, on the trail, in town and out of town (sounds very Dr. Seuss and I like it).

I ran this month.

The truth is... this month I didn't always breathe with ease. I had some really hard days. Some days that made me doubt. Some days that made me deeply sad. Running didn't seem the most logical choice but I did it anyway because it makes me feel good. Because I made myself a promise to do this one thing. And because I deserve these 10 - 12 minutes a day to move, to breathe, to listen to music that soothes me.

TEN TO TWELVE MINUTES! If I can do it, you can do it!

day 30. did it!

I made a few notes along the way that I thought I'd share with you in case you'd like to give a #mileaday a try! You'll see the ebb + flow of it all. Some days = totally stoked, others = not so much.

Day 1 - 3 Overall feeling.... I can do this. Day 4 + 5 Must get run in.... it was the only thing I made sure I did all day. Honestly, eating suffered b/c I wasn't planning.

day 5. Day 5 Posted on Instagram with a love note to myself. "Dear Me, Proud of you today. For being flexible, for showing up, for getting your #mileaday in even after you forgot your hat and saw that the track was filled with pre pubescent boys and you had to go with plan B then plan C. I see you working for what you want from a loving place. I see you moving through your days with your #wordoftheyear by your side. You're doing a great job. Keep going." (my word this year is Genuine) Day 6  A little boy from seemingly out of no where jumped into my path and gave me a high five. It changed everything. I felt incredibly inspired and supported. Day 7 Noticed that I got out of bed without creaking and easily jump up from the couch. OH I LIKE THIS. Day 8 - 10 Getting inspired to organize + clean at home. Fully embracing it. Day 13 Freaking freezing. The weather challenged my resolve. Day 14 Hey this is easier and I'm not afraid of being a little cold. Boo-ya! Day 15 MAN that was tough. Amazing how each day is SO different. Makes me hopeful that tomorrow will be a breeze. Day 16 + 17 Total breeze! Love the ease of running on the weekend. Nothing else to do, no where to be. Freedom. Day 21 My feet hurt. moved a little slower, hard breathing the past few days. New life today as I watched a food documentary. Feeling empowered. Running is a part of my healthy life. Day 24 Sunday. Craving a day off on Sunday. Pep talk myself --- 'It's just a mile. Get er done and go about your day darlin. You've got this.' It worked. Day 25 This feels like a part of my daily life now. I definitely prefer running before noon. Feels so good to get it done and get into my work day. Day 26 It's cold. And raining. I take to the street instead of the track. A lady going to her car smiles and yells out "you're my hero, run one for me too."

day 26. It's cold and wet. Day 28 Thanksgiving. Running by choice... on a holiday. This is a first. Feels good to be out in the world. It's so still out today.

I believe that we are divine, infinite beings and that we can do + be anything we want. I believe that we are so powerful and if you move toward what you want there are incredible forces that show up in support.

P.S. How you run is really important to stay free from injury, stress or strain. Here's a post I did on barefoot running.

Here's what else happened in November!

Food this month was super simple. Lots of smoothies + juices. Several days of our idea of "fast food." Quinoa pasta + organic pasta sauce from a jar, few cloves of garlic and zucchini. Shared the way we clean around here (baking soda, vinegar, lemon...the way your grandma used to clean house). Latest order of Kale Yeah stickers arrived! I've gotten into the habit of leaving a few with the check each time we go out. I really love leaving them behind and hope they bring a smile! If you're interested, you can get yours right over here.


ayden and oranges

This is my cousins son, Ayden! I just call him my nephew because my cousin Derrick might as well be another brother! This photo, this day was super special because Ayden finally warmed up to me! We bonded over nuts + oranges! Pretty perfect, right!wear your joy

This was for my friend Kelly Rae's #thewearyourjoyproject I'd just been out running and everything appeared in neon. Bright blues and greens. Was so inspired by all the color I decided to wear lots of color this day too! Love this project and the awareness it brings. How will you wear your joy?

mom's bday

My mom + my dad are November babies! For my mom's birthday we all spent the day downtown eating Tapas and listening to jazz! There was a LOT of laughter! Really grateful to live close to my family in this chapter of life.camping at ren fest

Cliff and I went to the Renaissance Festival and camping for the first time together! It was a complete and total blast! We managed to get everything we needed for an overnighter in the Smart car! I loved being called "my lady" all day!

Simple Sunday. Run + Together. Perfect. This was an easy breezy Sunday. I ran, found these words on the garage floor and we spent time running errands together (I bought red lipstick). It was one of those OH HEY- so nice to spend time with you after a week of passing each other on our way to work kinda days.

And that was November! One more month to go and I will have successfully cataloged a year in this online photo journal! xo, Lacy

Cancer Fighting Foods, Cancer Fighting Thoughts


I recently read Dying to Be Me by Anita Moorjani. A few paragraphs into the introduction I could feel seemingly unexplainable tears welling up and I felt overwhelmed with gratitude for this women, her experience and my little sister's recommendation to read the book. It was one of those moments of perfect synchronicity. Many of you know my breathing story. As someone who has been "sick" I can tell you that there are so many layers to unfold when it comes to healing. I never had cancer or a near death experience like Anita Moorjani but I can definitely identify with feeling fear. I allowed fear to root itself so deep inside my cells, it left me feeling breathless, hopeless + like I was living some sort of half-life. Reading Anita's words has given me so much perspective on my own health, on my own life. Reading her story has brought clarity to mine.

I had the physical scar tissue removed from my trachea in March of 2008. Ever since that time I've been doing the work of true healing--- of turning within, trusting and deeply loving myself. Reading this book I can see the phases and stages of my life so clearly. I can see how the path has unfolded and how each step has lead me to this place, this moment.

I took a soul journey at the beginning of 2012 to Hawaii. Walking the beaches of Kaaawa I could see more than anything else in the entire universe that my 'job' --- that thing I was seeking so passionately was just to be me. To be lovingly, authentically, unapologetically me. The easiest and most complicated task all at the same time. I feel in crazy, good love with myself during those 75 days. I memorized the feelings of love, of health, of possibility. And honestly... I forget them all the time. I forget, I remember and I begin again. And that's where I'm at.

Kayla and I use smoothie metaphors constantly. One day, just like making my morning smoothie, I won't forget. It will just be my life. It will just be because it already is. Each day I listen to my intuition. I make choices that feel really good at the time (usually because I've called my sister needing a pep talk and she reminds me). I do work that feeds my soul and makes feel tremendously proud. All that adds up to the feeling that all is well. It always is.

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It was then that I understood that my body is only a reflection of my internal state. If my inner self were aware of its greatness and connection with All-that-is, my body would soon reflect that and heal rapidly. -Anita Moorjani

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I often work with women + men who are negotiating some kind of imbalance or disease in their bodies. You betcha we talk about veggies! We do food experiments and go into the realm of food as medicine. We work on the level of what you're eating, drinking and thinking. We also talk about self-love. How to find it, embrace it + swim around in it til your fingers are so wonderfully pruny. Loving myself is and continues to be the most worthy work I've ever done.

Cancer Fighting Foods

Plant based diet

“Plant food / less cancer correlation is primarily due to three health-promoting factors: Plants have less fat, more fiber, and more phytonutrients. Besides providing the anti-cancer properties of fiber, legumes (such as seeds, rice, soy beans, beans, and chick peas) contain anticancer properties called protease inhibitors, which have been shown to reduce the growth of breast, colon, and skin cancers in experimental animals.” -Dr Sears, source


flaxseed pumpkin seed walnut safflower sunflower sesame virgin olive **Heating these oils at high temps can actually change the properties of the fatty acids and can turn them into carcinogens

These oils do well at high heat: peanut coconut ghee

Avoid hydrogenated oils + fats, typically found in processed packaged food and fast food because it increases the shelf life

Omega-3 fish oil or flaxseed oil


High fiber diet decreases chance of colon cancer - fiber helps move potential carcinogens through intestines faster and also binds to carcinogens to keep them away from intestinal walls Fiber promotes growth of healthy bacteria in intestines + actually reduces chance of breast cancer due to binding estrogen in bowels

Good sources: wheat bran beans: kidney, garbanzo, navy legumes whole wheat whole grains

Vitamin C + Vitamin E + Vitamin D + Selenium

Raw Fruits + Veggies Reduce all kinds of cancers Plants have phytochemicals which are substances that help fight cancer The five major classes of compounds that occur in fruits and vegetables as natural blocking agents against carcinogens are: phenols, indols, flavones, cumines, and isothiocyanates. These neutralizing agents prevent carcinogens from reaching critical target sites within the cell. Cruciferous Veggies broccoli cauliflower cabbage brussels sprouts mustard greens kale Also dark leafy greens


Antioxidants, such as vitamin C and E and beta carotene, seem to have a synergistic effect when taken together. So, eating lots of fruits and vegetables in a salad together produces a greater anti-cancer effect than eating each one individually. There is reliable scientific evidence that beta carotene, vitamin C and vitamin E definitely lower the risk of colorectal cancer. Fruits and vegetables are the main sources of these naturally occurring antioxidants. Antioxidants protect against cancer in several ways: -They protect the membrane of intestinal cells. -They prevent free-radical reactions that can cause bowel contents to be carcinogenic -They prevent faulty metabolism in the cell, which can predispose a cell to becoming carcinogenic.

Beta carotene

Beta carotene boosts the immune system + can block the growth of potentially cancerous cells. Best sources of beta carotene are sweet potatoes, pink grapefruit, carrots, cantaloupe, pumpkins, butternut and other types of winter squash, spinach, broccoli, mango, and papaya.

Green Tea

Phytochemicals, antioxidants


reduces bad bacteria


pectin (the fiber in apple skin) ferments in intestines and produces a short-chain fatty acid that prevents growth of harmful bacteria + nourish cells of intestinal lining making them more cancer resistant


Tomatoes contain lycopene, and most absorbable when cooked


Rich in flavonoids and antioxidants

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Trying to be anything or anyone else didn't make me better- it just deprived me of my true self! It kept others from experiencing me for who I am, and it deprived me of interacting authentically with them. Being inauthentic also deprives the universe of who I came here to be and what I can here to express. -Anita Moorjani

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If you have cancer, know someone with cancer or have ever feared getting cancer- READ THIS BOOK. It will touch you and change you in the best of ways. If you've ever been given a diagnosis that left you feeling depleted or heart is with you. My heart has been right where you are. Beautiful soul, you're not alone. If you're ready to explore whole health (which is, by-the-way your birth right!) through the power of food + self-love and you feel lead to contact me, please do! My heart + phone line is open.

To the love that is you! Lacy

::October 2013::

Cliff is a tough mudderOct FoodOctober Detailsfeet in octoberMore Oct FoodLeggins in, punkin patch, air showHappy Halloween

  • Cliff participated in the Tough Mudder on a what felt like a gillion degree day. It was totally impressive + so fun to watch. Mom + Chloe came with us. I was walking towards them to take a photo and when Chloe saw me she started waving so big. Later in the month she smooched a Buddha statue + hugged every pumpkin at the patch. She's our zen master reminding us how to love.
  • Mom made curtains for two open cabinets in our kitchen from my soul mate fabric! Veggies, of course.
  • We went to Austin for a weekend and got up early to sit outside of REI for their garage sale. It was mayhem once they let everyone it! Think Super Market Sweep! We scored a pair of Vibrams for Cliff for $20 bucks.
  • I cut the neck out of some old t's and ended up having the best time playing with Ned. Hilarious, much needed quality time (for me, he didn't seem to mind either).
  • Eyenie Schultz interviewed me for her Women Living in Neon series and I loved it! We'd been internet friends and this was our first time face:face. Felt like being with an old friend, so much ease + love.

  • Made a healthy chocolate shake + proudly announced my second eCourse called Veg Pledge (will run it again next year by popular demand).
  • Kayla + Chloe came to town for the weekend. Kayla and I had the best time watching Crazy, Stupid, Love making vision books, red wine, pizza, quality convo and laughter. Always lots of laughter.
  • Made a pumpkin smoothie + got an email from a gal asking me if she could illustrate it for the blog They Draw + Cook! Of course I said YES! She said it was her first healthy recipe to draw! THAT makes me all kinds of happy.

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  • MY APP CAME OUT! It's free, it's filled with goodness! It's 60 days of tips, recipes + affirmations to fuel your plant powered life! Please download it and tell your friends! Search Kale Yeah in the App Store or on Google Play!
  • We went to the airshow with Mema! I got to sit in a very cool old helicopter.
  • Running, more running. I got new shoes from Vivobarefoot. Took a minute to get used to walking in them but running in them in a breeze! I now rotate between my Vibrams and new Vivos.
  • Running is changing the way I see my body, especially my legs. For years I refused to wear shorts because I didn't think I looked good in them. The Texas weather and doing all kinds of good work on embracing my body has changed that. Took a photo of them in my wee little running shorts that I almost deleted and then decided to breathe, to say I love you to myself and thank my legs for allowing me to run freely! Made me smile. Made me proud. This is what Campaign For Confidence is all about.
  • This month was full of simple eating. Smoothies, lots of them. Overnight oats, leftover breakfast cereal with brown rice and quick saute collards.
  • Our neighbor had the funniest killer pumpkins in the yard.
  • We went to a party as Batman + Batgirl in fleece pajamas (still too hot for fleece, nothing but sweat in there).
  • Had the best vegan dinner at Aunt Mary's on Halloween. I loved watching Cliff answer the door for the trick or treaters! He'd kneel down and put the biggest handfuls of treats into their bags, oooh and ahhh over their costumes. Went for margaritas after the last piece of candy and plastic spider had been given out + closed the place down!

And that, my friends was October! Lacy

P.s. I really love this practice of getting it all down. Hard to believe I've been doing them all year! These all started b/c Cliff and I were talking and wondering what we were doing this time last year... I opened my blog and we got a kinda sorta idea. It was then I decided to document with a monthly photo journal.

::September 2013::


Hey September, Gosh you seem like forever ago. Looking back, I feel like we accomplished all kinds of good stuff together. Cleaned out my studio closet. Man, that needed to be done! Feels sooooo good. Lots of green juice, a kindness mission with Kallie and Iggy, a trip back to my hometown... first time in over 14 years. I stopped to take a picture of our home and a sweet old gal walked out asking why I was taking a photo of her house. When I said, because it used to be my house she invited me in to see how it had changed over the years. I received the sweetest love gift from a dear friend. Made the house smell all kinds of amazing all month long with vanilla, rosemary and lemon simmering on the stove. We made a bottle cap table for Mema's garden!

Cliff's birthday- we flew to Brenham for lunch and had to avoid a storm on the way home. It was one of those moments when we were a seamless, completely awesome team. The flight was bouncy, stressful and completely worth it. My dad + step mom took us on a family cruise to Mexico. Cliff and I had the most incredible experience with dolphins that will live in my heart for a long, long time. I did my longest run yet (F O U R miles) and prepped for my very first eCourse (which was a complete and total heart filling success). We talked to my little brother, Cody on FaceTime. It was the first time we got to talk since he left for his epic adventure in June and it was incredible! Cliff Birthday/ Cody Talk Kindness Mission Food this monthHappy detailshappy details 2 Grateful, Lacy

Status Update


It's a thoughtful and crisp (yay!) morning over here. Keeping an open mind, feeling into simple questions like what would feel really really supportive in this moment. The answer was a smoothie and this blog post! So, my smoothie is on the desk and here I am! Hello, good morning! Feeling deeply moved by words these past couple days sharing some of them below.

- This quote arrived in the bottom of an email forwarded from my little sis (she's often the warehouse where thoughtful words come from).

What Lies Behind Us and What Lies Before Us Are Small Matters Compared To Compared To What Lies Within Us!

I've heard it so many times before but it really stood out this morning. It keeps resonating YES over and over. What lies within us! YES!

- Playing this song on repeat. Love the lyrics. The snappy beat is fun too. Thank you, Monet!

Her eyes are light and clear And fearless like Chicago winds in the winter time And her hair is never quite in place And the knees in her jeans have seen better days And she's no beauty queen but you love her anyway She's a wildewoman

She's gonna find another way back home It's written in her blood, oh it's written in her bones Yeah, she's ripping out the pages in your book She's gonna find another way back home It's written in her blood, oh it's written in her bones Yeah, she'll only be bound by the things she chooses

Her smile is sneaky like a fiery fox It's that look that tells you she's up to no good at all And she'll say whatever's on her mind They're unspeakable things and she'll speak them in vain And you can't help but wish you had bolder things to say She's a wildewoman

She's gonna find another way back home It's written in her blood, oh it's written in her bones Yeah, she's ripping out the pages in your book She's gonna find another way back home It's written in her blood, oh it's written in her bones Yeah, she'll only be bound by the things she chooses Yeah, she will only be bound by the things she chooses

Oh we're gonna find another way back home It's written in our blood, oh it's written in our bones Yeah, we're ripping out the pages in your book Oh we're gonna find another way back home It's written in our blood, oh it's written in our bones Yeah, we'll only be bound by the things we choose Yeah, we'll only be bound by the things we choose

We will only be bound by the things we choose

- And this song is beautiful.

Saw Gravity this week and I can't stop thinking about it. It was powerful, stressful, beautiful. I'm in awe of truly gifted actors. Have this feeling after seeing it... a bit like life is moving in slow motion and that none of it really matters. Not in the depression or doom and gloom sort of way. In a bigger picture way... feeling that the stuff I worry about is really so very small and inconsequential. Do you know what I mean?

Seeing the people + things that matter circled in a glow. As if it's a big neon sign to remind me --- HEY THIS IS WHAT MATTERS, breathe into this! Love into this! Spend some time over here.

Wishing you a very happy Friday! Go spend some time on what matters to you. Lacy


::August 2013::


When I think back on August I think of three things... RUNNING, VEGAS + JUICE CLEANSING AFTER VEGAS! RUNNING

Some days I still can't believe I'm loving this. I ran 2 - 3 times a week for ALL of August! One day I even went running twice. I know, who am I? Welp, it appears I'm a runner!

cant believe I love this post run glow first time doing 3 miles moms on board


This trip was EPIC (Thanks, Mom)! My youngest sister Kallie (she's the cute blondie) turned 21 IN VEGAS! We stayed up the first night until almost 6 am. The first photo below was about 3 am + we're all looking pretty together. The entire trip was just so effortless--- filled with laughter and fun. We started each day with 45 mins - an hour of meditation and then promptly went to breakfast and had mimosas! We spent an entire day at the spa at Caesars Palace (highly recommend), ate the best food at Hash House A Go Go, La Comida (downtown) and I had the best pasta of my life at Rao's.

us!tickets and recorders the joy of winning kallie what's in my purse spa statue girls wynn


After Vegas my body was in need of a break so I decided a 3-day juice cleanse was in order! I felt so good after I hosted a FREE Juice Webinar to share the love! Had the best time taking photos with Cliff of me + my fave appliances, my juicer + blender. I laughed so hard trying to teach him how to take a proper iPhone photo. "You have to touch the screen to focus, honey." He's now a pro! You can see the webinar over here.

juice recipe juice combo post run juice yum juice touch the screen to focus


Status Update


1.) We recently saw The Butler. I cried. A lot. I couldn't make it stop. I can't believe the way we've hurt one another. I wonder if we will ever learn and stop it. I hope so. Movies like this feel so very important in helping to raise our level of consciousness. Please love each other. 2.) I cleaned out my studio closet and it's so beautiful that I've been working with the door open and light on for the past several days so I can look up from my desk and enjoy the organization. Few things make me happier than a well organized space. I'm headed to the master closet next.

3.) I love running. Straight. Up. Love. It. I continue to be gobsmacked (great word, right) of loving things that I never in a million years thought I'd enjoy.

4.) Voxer is amazing. So much more fun than texting and so much less intrusive too.

5.) Instagram continues to be the place on the internet where I feel most seen and genuinely loved. My friend Myna (who takes amazing insta photos btw) says she's "making friends out of thin air." I just love that, it feels so true for me too. Are you on insta? Come find me.

6.) Ned has taken to staring at this one particular section of the wall in my office. I'm afraid critters have decided to live in there. I think loud music + banging will come next. I mean it's the most polite + humane way to say "MOVE OUT, THIS IS NOT THE BEST PLACE FOR YOU TO LIVE" that I can think of.

7.) It feels like there's something really good brewing. Like all my work is about to payoff in the best of ways. I'm feeling brave lately and then the next day really hungover from all the vulnerability. Still, I wouldn't trade it. My deep desire continues to be the same, to stay tuned into my truth and live as authentically as humanly possible.

8.) Cliff woke me up this morning hugging me so tightly before he left for work. It's like he knew I needed to be loved extra today. I memorized that feeling.

9.) I am incredibly grateful for my family. That I can ride my bike to my mom's house. That I've seen my youngest sister twice in two weeks. That my Aunt Mary is my cruise guru (we are headed out to sea on family vaca soon). That we can meet Mema for quality conversation, beer + organic groceries at Whole Foods. That I get to see Kayla + Chloe this week. This move to Texas was the exact right thing for us to do.

10.) Two words keep showing up in my work and my life... simple + profound.

Love, Lacy

p.s. my very first e-course begins October 1st and I'd LOVE for you to join me! It's a 10-day sugar detox called Sweet Surrender with daily emails delivered to your email inbox. Find more info + register here.  I AM IN LOVE with the logo... a jump roping cupcake! Isn't it the cutest!

FAQ - Can't start on the 1st but want to join? No problem, you can begin anytime you like. I suggest you save the emails in a folder or set up a filter so they are there for you when you're ready to begin.

::July 2013::

This was July. It was FULL of goodness. Maybe my favorite month this year so far!
Our sweet Ned turned 13 on July 1. It's wild that he's been a part of my life for T H I R T E E N years. He's seen me go through so much change, so much transition, so much growing. I'm incredibly grateful for my sweet fur face kiddo. He continues to teach me the power of presence, of love and the importance of naps.


Work life balance was AMAZING this month. Probably because we went on vacation and I truly stepped away for a moment. Sometimes I get SO zoomed in on my to do list. Going out and just living my life brings so much balance for me. It keeps me fresh, keeps me sane and keeps me making decisions from inspiration and spirit instead of overwhelm. July felt really in the groove... excited about what is happening and what is coming in the near future. Completed another Group Coaching Session this month and scheduled my first in person workshop for later this year in Boston! SO excited!

photo by lizzy

photo by Lizzy Flanagan

I started running!
Went to John Mayer concert with Aunt Mary! Had a BLAST!
Cliff and I went on VACATION IN CALIFORNIA! Santa Barbara, Ventura + Catalina! Catalina was breathtaking! Snorkeling was magical and the whole trip was full of laughter, love, reading, togetherness, connection and avocados! We came home with an entire carry on suitcase FULL of avocados from our friends giant tree in their backyard.
Went to Chloe's first birthday party in Austin. Biggest 1 year old birthday party I've ever been to. That little lady is so very loved. Kayla and Brain are doing an amazing job raising her on whole foods. She's a one year old veggie loving, vegan! I helped with decorations. I am a paper chain making machine!

Flew to Boston for a weekend of fun! Went jogging, twice! Went sailing for the first time and LOVED it. Reunited with a dear old friend. Had the best little dinner for three and was in bed by 11. Celebrated two little people in a growing belly all weekend long. Spent time among women I admire. Illegally parked to get a photo at the entrance of Harvard. Lizzy was accidentally taking video instead of a photo and it was PERFECT! Just so fun!